to do then now would be retro, to do then then was very nowtro
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Gaming Consoles

Gaming Consoles mouseroot has used:

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Ill never forget that Christmas I opened all my gifts and no GameCube then my parents pulled out a small cube shaped box and tore that son of a bitch open quicker then any other gift and there it was with super Mario sunshine one my best Christmas memories
my family had a garage sell and I sold my NES for $15 I reget it more then anything else ive ever done god damn I still remember that feeling hours later
came home one day and my parents had trashed my room and stashed this special edition episode I pod racer edition n64 under my blankets..just out of the blue didn't even ask for one
as soon as I got mine I immediately hacked it and bought a external drive and started loading it up with rented games
Friend let me borrow his and Kingdom of my favorite games for the ps2 later i also borrowed from him FFX which made me fall in love with everything final fantasy